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  On the 17th September [1933], as a Society we commemorate the death of our Founder Joseph De Piro. We are publishing various newspaper articles that were published on the day of his death.

Mgr De Piro Dead




All Malta is plunged in deep mourning for his death, which is indeed a
national loss.


On going to press, we learn with the deepest sorrow of the death of the Most Rev. and Nobel Monsignor Dean G. De Piro D’Amico which occurred suddenly yesterday evening in his early fifties. The gentleman had conducted a religious procession at Hamrun and was in the act of imparting Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in the Parish Church when he was taken ill and fell down on the altar steps whilst reciting the prayers before the Benediction which ceremony had to be concluded by another priest. Mgr. De Piro was at once removed to the Central Civic Hospital where he passed peacefully away.

Neither space nor time permits us to pay our tribute to the memory of this saintly priest in this issue.
All Malta is plunged in deep mourning for his death, which is indeed a national loss.

(The Malta Chronicle and Imperial Services Gazette. 18th September 1933, p. 15)


The Late Monsignor De Piro
One of the best-loved perhaps the most beloved man in Malta has died in Mgr. De Piro. His sudden death has cast a gloom over all; each one of us rightly feels he is personally bereaved. The nation has suffered a grievous loss at a time when qualities such as those so eminently manifested by Mgr. De Piro are more than ever rare and valuable.




Mgr De Piro lived as he died in harness.


Mgr De Piro lived as he died in harness. Although believed to be slightly indisposed, his sudden death was entirely unexpected. He assisted at Benediction at the Church of St. Caetano, Hamrun on Sunday evening, collapsed during the service, and died quietly a little while later.

The most Reverend the Honourable and Noble Monsignor Canon Dean Joseph dei Marchesi De Piro D’Amico, D, D., to give his full title was connected with some of the most prominent families in Malta. He held the high office of Dean of the Cathedral chapter. He was one of the two Representatives of the Archbishop of Malta in the Senate. Last year he celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his appointment as Spiritual Director of Fra Diegu Institute, Hamrun. Recently he had established a convent for missionaries at St. Agatha’s Church Rabat, now nearly completed and was planning to go to Abbissinia next year in connection with missionary work.




One of the best-loved perhaps the most beloved man in Malta has died.


Mgr. De Piro rendered great and valuable service to his fellow countrymen notably as regards his part in settling the politico-religious dispute, which has troubled the relations between Church and State. But it was as a father and a friend of the poor and outcast that his memory will live. He was a great Christian gentleman, full of the love of God and his fellow creatures. His personal humility, keen intelligence, and unwearied activity in doing good made him beloved far and wide during his life; in death his memory will be enshrined in the hearts of all rich and poor. He is survived by His mother and by his brothers, the most noble Igino Baron of Budak and the Noble Pius De Piro Gourgion to whom we offer our respectful sympathy.
                                                                                                      (The Times of Malta. 21st September 1933, p. 2)

Notice of Funeral




A long procession of motor-cars and carriages
followed the hearse.


The funeral of Mgr. De Piro took place at 4.30 pm on Tuesday. The body was taken from St. Joseph’s House, Hamrun to the Adularia Cemetery. A long procession of motor-cars and carriages followed the hearse. Representatives of all sections of the community assembled at the graveside to pay their respects to the memory of a well beloved personality. His Excellency the Governor accompanied by his Aide-de-Camp and Mr. E Missed, Imperial Secretary, Members of the Cabinet, Members of Religious Societies including many priest colleagues of the deceased, Members of the Senate and Assembly, representatives of many Band clubs, and orphans from St. Joseph’s House, Fra Diegu Institute and the Zejtun Institute for girls were included among the hundreds of mourners present in the great Cemetery.
                                                                                                  (The Times of Malta. 21st September 1933, p. 20)

Mgr. De Piro
We reproduce the following from ‘The Times’ of the 19th Instant:-
Our Malta Correspondent telegraphs that Senator Mgr. Nobel Depiro, Dean of Malta Cathedral, fell suddenly ill during religious procession and died shortly afterwards. There is deep mourning throughout the island. In June 1932, he was instrumental in bringing to an end the differences between the Church and Lord Strickland’s party.
(The Malta Chronicle and Imperial Services Gazette. 26th September 1933, p. 12)

Notice for Solemn High Mass
The Committee of the De Piro Missionary Institute now under the Presidency of the Hon. Senator the most Rev. Canon Mgr. E. Bonnici D. D. are arranging for a solemn High Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Hon. and most Rev. Dean Canon Mgr. De Piro to be sung at the Gesu’ Church Strada Mercanti, on the 23rd instant. Further details will be made public later.
                                                                                                               (The Times of Malta. 19th October, 1933)

Solemn Funeral Services




Organising Committee earnestly hope that no one will fail to pay his last tribute to the memory of this most worthy Maltese ecclesiastic.


As already announced in this paper, solemn funeral services will be held in the Gesu’ Church of Strada Mercanti Valletta, on Monday next, the 23rd instant for the repose of the soul of Mgr. G. De Piro.

At 6 a.m. on that day, a low Mass with Communion will be said by the Rt. Rev. Mgr. E. Bonnici D.D., Director pro. tem. of the Institutes formerly directed by the late lamented Prelate, in which boys and girls of the said institutes will take part.

Simultaneously various low masses will be celebrated by the respective local superiors of the Institutes.

At 8 a.m. a solemn High Mass “De Reque” will be celebrated at which the Rt. Rev. Mgr. P. Galea J. U. D. Vicar General and Locum Tenens, will officiate and the Seminary Choir will sing Gregorian Chants.

The organising Committee earnestly hope that no one will fail to pay his last tribute to the memory of this most worthy Maltese ecclesiastic whose whole life was unostentatiously spent on benefiting the poor of the Island.
(The Malta Chronicle and Imperial Services Gazette. 20th October 1933, p.12)



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