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3rd December – St Francis Xavier, patron of missions
With the publication of the Saint Paul: Almanac of the Institute of the Missions (1922-1933) Mgr Joseph De Piro wanted to animate the Maltese with the same missionary spirit with which he was himself imbued. In 1924 the miraculous arm of St Francis Xavier, the big Jesuit missionary, was brought to Malta for the veneration of the Maltese. While on the Island it was taken twice to the second House of De Piro’s Society in Mdina and once to St Joseph’s Home, Sta Venera, where the Society’s first members were working. Without doubt the Jesuits did this because they recognized the missionary charism of the Society founded by the Servant of God. The following year De Piro published on the Almanac a report about what happened in the three visits.

The Institute of the Missions and St Francis Xavier

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful events that the Institute of the Missions may mention is the visit paid him by the arm of Saint Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies while it was on the Island.
It was the 27th of May when the miraculous arm of Saint Francis Xavier was taken to the Cathedral. The feast there was very beautiful and uplifting. Afterwards this Relic had to be carried to nearby places and in some establishments and institutes. The Institute of the Missions was included amongst these institutes. So we set up a small altar adorned with flowers and surrounded by carpets all around. The place was much embellished by some damask strips which were hung on the wall. Candles were lit on the altar; by their weak light they created an atmosphere of devotion on the place.
At 9.30 the superior together with the Rector of the Jesuits was entering the institute with the Relic in his hands. Many people followed him; they stayed outside so that from there they could assist the short function which was to take place. As soon as the superior arrived on the spot prepared, he placed the relic on the altar and the prayer of grace started to be recited with great devotion. All the missionaries were there, waiting around the altar.
After the prayer the Superior gave a blessing with the holy relic and continued on his way to other places.




...Divine Providence was preparing to do a much greater favour with our institute


Everybody was filled with joy and happiness by the visit of this miraculous relic and everybody thanked God for the great favour he bestowed on the Institute.
But divine Providence was preparing to do a much greater favour with our institute. Without our ever thinking it, the Rector wanted that the Relic be left in our custody until it would be time to be carried again to the Cathedral for the procession. In this way the arm of Saint Francis Xavier spent about an hour and a half in the silence of the Institute. This second visit of this apostle in our house caused no small joy in the missionaries who did not miss to take advantage of that beautiful occasion and say some special prayers for their needs and for the needs of all the other missionaries who toil in the mission fields.
The missionaries were lucky to meet again this relic at the Institute of Saint Joseph, Hamrun, again for the third time. Here thank God some missionaries are working for the good of souls. Here again they gathered together around the holy altar to assist at the function which was continued in the chapel of this Institute with the participation of many people, as the picture here published clearly shows.
These visits of the miraculous arm of Saint Francis Xavier consoled greatly everybody and they encouraged greatly each one of us to work harder always for God's glory and for the good of souls.


23rd November 1922 – Nominated to be Director of St Joseph Home
2nd November 1877 – Birth of Joseph De Piro

18th October – Mission Sunday
11th October - Catholic Teaching Day
3 October 1932 - Foundation Stone of St. Agatha's Convent



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