JOSEPH DE PIRO - Official Site of the Cause of Canonisation


The Missionary Society of Saint Paul, together with Church authorities, is currently in the process of trying to obtain the Beatification of its Founder, the Servant of God Joseph De Piro. This prayer is to help in the process. Please pray it regularly, and feel free to spread it around.                                              

English, Maltese, Italian, Report Favours



God our Father, your servant Joseph De Piro
gave witness to the faith
by his service to the poor and his missionary zeal.

May his loyalty to Christ and the Church,
his love for Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God,
his benevolence towards the orphaned
and his constant aspiration to evangelize the world,
give guidance to the Christian people today.

We beg you to grant the favour we are asking you
through his intercession (...................)
so that his holiness may be recognized by all
and the Church may proclaim him a Saint.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.




O Alla Missier taghna, il-qaddej tieghek 
Guzeppi De Piro ta'
xhieda ghall-fidi bis-servizz tieghu lejn il-foqra
 u biz-zelu missjunarju tieghu.

J'Alla l-fedelta' tieghu lejn Kristu u lejn il-Knisja,
imhabbtu lejn Marija l-omm Immakulata t'Alla, 
it-tjubija tieghu lejn l-iltiema,
u x-xewqa qawwija tieghu li jevangelizza lid-dinja, 
ikunu dawl ghall-poplu nisrani llum.

Nitolbuk, bl-intercessjoni tieghu, taqlaghlna l-grazzja
li qed nitolbuk (...............), biex il-qdusija tieghu 
issir maghrufa ma' kulhadd, u l-Knisja tiddikjarah Qaddis.

Dan nitolbuhulek f'isem Kristu Sidna.




O Dio nostro Padre, il tuo Servo Giuseppe De Piro ha 
dato testimonianza della sua fede col suo aiuto
verso i poveri e col suo zelo missionario.

Che la sua fedeltà per Cristo e la sua Chiesa,
 il suo amore verso Maria, la Madre Immacolata di Dio, la sua benevolenza
verso gli orfani, e il suo fortissimo desiderio di evangelizzare il mondo 
siano luce per il popolo Christiano di oggi.

Ti preghiamo, con la sua intercessione, di esaudire la preghiera che 
ora ti facciamo (.............), perché la sua santità sia 
conosciuta da tutti, e la Chiesa lo proclami Santo.

Ti facciamo questa preghiera nel nome di Cristo, nostro Signore.




Please report any favours received to:

The Postulation
Joseph De Piro's Cause

St Agatha's Motherhouse
Rabat, RBT 07


Joseph De Piro Commission
Missionary Society of St. Paul



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